Top message & Corporate philosophy

President-Nobushige Kondo

Nittoku Engineering follows the three principles "raise customer satisfaction by creating value", "raise profitability by reinforcing the organization " and "thorough compliance". Beginning with customer value and shareholder value, we always take into consideration to contribute multiple types of value to the society surrounding our company. Following the action guide of "concentration and expansion", effective management is promoted.

Cultivated for many years, applying the experience of winding and application technology, we realize "Small", "Speed", "Saving" products. By improving the quality, our target is to contribute to improving production efficiency for all our users. The method for this is to be the driving force for continuous advance in product development and to act as the representative for our customers' production technology. Furthermore, following the craftsman-like technology, we accomplish not only stand-alone machines, but expand in technologically difficult modules and systems. We focus to the next generation machinery and service by concentrating on the variety of organization, human resources and things, to correspond to the globalization and to promote further evolution.

Based on a philosophy that "manufacturing is invention", all of our employees are united in the goal of striving to satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, to promote new business and to devlop new market innovations by emphasizing the co-existence of humans and machinery, industry and natural environment.

President - Nobushige Kondo


1. From a global point of view

2. Fulfill customer's expectations

3. Provide cutting-edge technology

4. Contribute to society through innovation



Concentration & expansion, a challenge to make innovations of value.


Create products to satisfy customer's needs and values.